Sunday, December 16, 2012

Share a leadership quote and a personal accomplishment this semester

My favorite leadership quote is from Max DePree, "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."  I love this quote because it emphasizes the importance of service and not asserting power over others.  My favorite leader is Martin Luther King Jr.  His rise to the top did not come from rallying people with anger or suppressing them.  He gained followers by seeing the needs in his community and helping these people himself.  I want to be the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily without needing a title or a weapon, just like MLK.  I also love this quote because it stresses that leadership requires thanking people. No one succeeds in life without some help from others and I  believe being thankful for these people is a key to success and shows true integrity.  One thing that I have personally accomplished this semester is winterizing the master garden.  This sounds like a trivial task, but in actuality, it took a lot of work and help from others.  One of the tasks needed to complete this project was pulling all of the tomato and pepper plants out of the ground so that new ones could grow in next spring.  This also helped the garden look more appeasing and once the dead plants were gone a passerby could see the beautiful plants that were still alive but previously hidden.  Another task completed in the master garden was pulling up all the shrubs surrounding the garden.  There were about 30 of these creating the perimeter.  Next, I trimmed all the banana plants so that they would not rot over the winter break.  I had to use a pretty large knife to complete this task and it was very fun but pretty time consuming.  Finally, I hauled all the material gathered in this garden to the compost pile.

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